
New Gear, and New Pictures

The Wife and I got a gift card to Target from my Aunt as a new baby/wedding present. So after I got home from work tonight we went to target to spend some money. It's weird, usually when we get a gift card we start thinking of stuff that we want. However, tonight we went straight for the section of the store that we could buy stuff for Pearl. Like I said a couple of posts ago, having a kid changes your whole life (obviously those with kids know that already).

Anyway, we bought one of these so that I can feed Pearl too:

We got home and Kim went to open it and she discovered that it seemed like it had already been opened. The seal was way to easy to remove, the little plastic thing that held the zipper was broken, there were items missing, and the most incriminating thing was the pump was assembled when it is supposed to be assembled by the customer. First of all the fact that this product was allowed to be returned in the first place is not excusable. Second, a returned product that is made to hold body fluids being put back on the shelf for re-sale is negligent at best. Target knowingly sold me a product that is potentially hazardous, and could cause my baby harm. So tomorrow morning it is back to Target to talk to the management to see how much they don't want me to talk with a lawyer about this situation.

We also got one of these, so we don't have to carry around the big, bulky, and heavy car seat that is part of the stroller we got:

No problems with this one at all. Pearl fits in it perfectly, and it's super easy to use. I can carry my little girl around strapped to my chest...

Here are a couple of photos I snapped a few minutes ago that I like to call the "booby pillow". Pearl got done feeding and went to sleep right there on Mommy's boobies...


PPOTD: An "oldie" but a goodie!

Here's another photo of Pearl when she was a few minutes old.


PPOTD: Tired Munchkin!

Pearl had her first pediatrician visit today. She has a touch of newborn jaundice, but it will go away on it's own. She's been told to have naked baby time in the sunlight to help it flush out of her system.

We also took Pearl to Target for the first time, shopping is very tiring as you can tell by the photo. Actually she slept through the whole excursion, she's quite the sleepy girl today.

Pearl Will Be One Week Old

It's hard to think of my life without Pearl in it now. She has been here a mere week and I can't even fathom the thought of her not being here. People say that your life changes, what they don't say is that you turn into a completely different person. Don't get me wrong, my morals and beliefs are unchanged, however every thought process begins with the fact that I am a daddy now. It's amazing really, this fatherhood thing, to have this little person depend on you for everything. She makes my heart melt when she looks at me with her big beautiful eyes. Also, everything is cute now, I mean EVERYTHING!! She farts:it's cute, she hiccups:it's cute, she sighs:it's cute, everything this baby does is adorable. I think that it's because she is just so damn adorable that everything around her and everything she does becomes cute vicariously through her. I have been on many wonderful adventures in my life and experienced a great many things. I have lived in many places and done more in the last 15 years that most people do in their whole lives. I have got to say that being a Daddy is the most exciting and important adventure yet. Don't even get me started on being a husband to the most wonderful Mommy in the world, that's for another journal entry...


PPOTD: Oh My, Could She Be ANY More Cute???

Thought I would upload the pic here that Mommy posted on another blog because it's too cute to not post here.


PPOTD: Little Miss Milkmouth

Someone was a little milk drunk...Pearl after a long feeding. She loves the boobies!


PPOTD...Pearl Pic of the Day!

For your enjoyment and pleasure I'm now creating the PPOTD! Can one go overboard with pictures? Only time will tell.


Pearl Came Home Today!

Mommy and Pearl were released from the Hospital at about 12:30. Pearl was outside for the first time, and even had her first car ride. She slept the whole way home and was brought in to see her new room right away. She seems to like the crib with the music and moving mobile. Right now Mommy is feeding her in the rocking chair, it's all very emotional. This is definetly a happy house right now...

Daddy Made A Video


Say Hello To Pearl Allison!!

Pearl Allison made her way into the world at 5:11 EST, she weighed 8 pounds 10 ounces, and is 20.5 inches long. She has 10 toes and 10 fingers, Momma's eys and Daddy's nose (and may be his great eyelashes that mommy is jealous of). This is the most wonderful day!!!

Amost There!!!

The wife is at 8-9 centimeters and the nurse felt little Pearl's head too. Got an epidural, so Kim is feeling much better. She's a trooper, she got that far with the pain she was in. She tried for natural, but thought she'd have more energy for pushing if she wasn't wasting it on contractions. I would say Pearl will be here in an hour or 2, so yeah pretty excited around here!!!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 39

Whether you give birth tomorrow or next week, it's pretty much all the same for your baby, who is now truly R-E-A-D-Y to face the big bright world outside of your womb. Speaking of wombs, your body is priming up for the big moment and hopefully, you're as prepared mentally as you can be. Your baby is well stocked up on fat, all their organs have put on the finishing touches. Here's hoping your child is already in the birthing position and basically just "hanging out" waiting for that elusive moment when all sysytems synchronize in your body to trigger the labor process.


Ode to Clay

As the day of Pearl's arrival gets closer I think more and more about my new family. I've been blessed with a man I love more than I ever thought was possible. I've been doubly blessed by him wanting me to be his wife. So, I want to take this moment to thank him.

Clay, I don't know what I would have done without you these last nine months. You have been my rock, my source of comfort, a sounding board for all my whining and complaining, my midnight butler who catered to all of my cravings, my best friend and lover. You've put up with my crazy hormones, my breakdowns, my temper tantrums, and my sleeping the days (and nights) away. Through all of that you've never judged me. You've only made me feel loved and safe, cared for and worshiped. You have no idea what that means to me.

I also want to apologize if I've overlooked any of your feelings. This is just as big of a change in life for you as it is for me. Just because you don't carry our child in your body doesn't lessen the emotions you feel. They are just as strong and important!

I love you Clay, you are my world, and all I want for you is to be happy and fulfilled. I want you to know that I would do anything for you. You are going to be a wonderful father and I'm so looking forward to our family adventure.


Pearl's Soon-To-Be-Debut!

Had another OB appointment today. The doctor reviewed the ultrasound results from Tuesday and decided we should induce this coming Tuesday. I have a bit of polyhydramnios (excess of amniotic fluid), along with the gestational diabetes. I'm 2cm dialated and he says my cervix is "ripe" enough for induction. Add Pearl measuring a bit large and my "advanced maternal age" and he feels she will be better off out here in the real world rather than growing larger in the little private bubble she has been occupying for the last 38 weeks. She'll also be 39 weeks by that point so things will hopefully go smoothly.

So the plan is:
Sunday - Last NST at the hospital along with another biophysical profile. If anything shows up funky with those tests they will induce me that day. If Pearl passes with flying colors we wait until Tuesday.
Monday - OB visit to do cervix check, ask any last minute questions.
Tuesday - INDUCE!

So, Pearl will be here before the end of next week! We got her cloth Kushies diapers in the mail, how adorable can poop receptacles be? And here is a picture of the incredible rocker/glider Clay brought home for us the other day! Lucky Pearl, and lucky Mommy! We'll be in heaven!


She isn't so little!

Went to our ultrasound appointment this morning, and to my surprise it was partly 4D! What a trip to see Pearl in all her glory. The tech showed us our little girl's hair! She would wiggle my belly and you could see Pearl's hair floating in her amniotic fluid.

It was so good to find out that she's in the correct position, no cord wrapped around her neck, and that my marginal placenta previa corrected itself. We also found out she is weighing in at approx. 8 lbs. 8 oz.! As Clay said, "HOLY CRAP"!

Here are a couple of photos of our not-so-little munchkin.


Fetal development in pregnancy week 38

As you know, you've arrived at the final leg of your pregnancy journey, and if you're still carrying your little love around, they've just about reached their birth weight (somewhere between 6 to 8 pounds is average depending on whether they're a boy or girl). There really isn't a lot to report on baby this week, so lets do a quick recount of where we're at: all internal organ systems are pretty much ready for the outside world, they've got their meconium stockpile building up (their first black baby poo), lots of healthy baby fat, a rapidly developing brain (that'll keep growing with them for years to come), and they've more or less reached official baby status-- all they need to do is "head out" and say hello to the rest of the world and especially their ready-to-pop momma.


Baby's Room "Complete"

We got the rest of Pearl's room done today. The tall dresser and the little 1 drawer table is done. I had an idea to paint everything different colors, since we painted the shelf purple. It just made sense to change up the colors all around. Even with it done we have even more ideas, ivy and what not stenciled on the wall. We also looked at a changing table at Ikea that we would paint red. So may be complete is not the word to use, it's ready for Pearl but I want to tweak it a bit.


Special Day!

Today is Pearl's Mommy's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful, sexy, amazing WIFE!!! We are going to stay in a hotel tonight so we can swim in the pool and so Kim can take a bath. Nice little birthday present, a little pampering...


Fetal development in pregnancy week 37

It’s the calm before the storm. Changes in your baby's weight have leveled off with only a few ounces of fat added this week. At this point your baby should weigh in at around 7 lbs and 20 inches (with boys somewhat heavier and longer than girls). Happily, as far as internal organs go, they are now developed enough to function in the outside world although the oh-so-important immune system is still developing and will continue to do so after birth. With a large boost of antibodies provided by breast milk when nursing begins, fighting infection and staying healthy should be well within their physical capacity when your little fighter is born.

Getting Real Close!!!

My daughter will be here soon, and I could not be more excited. Preparations on her room are going splended, her books are on her newly painted purple shelf. One dresser is painted and the other will be soon. She has stuffed animals and afghans and plenty of clothes to get her started. She's got her crib and a little gym to play in, and now she has a stroller so her Mommy and me can take her out and show her off to the world. I may even go buy her some toys on my way home from work today. In addition to all her stuff she has already, this lucky little girl is coming into a world filled with people that love her very much. We have Mommy and Daddy, Bumba Bob and Nana Susan, Nana Betty and Grandpa Dries, Grandpa Bowman, Grandma Di and Grandpa Steve, Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Todd, Cousin Alison, Cousin Jennifer, Cousin Travis, "Aunt" Jodi, "Uncle" Jame and "Aunt"/Cousin April, Great Grandpa Vance, and people I may of forgot to list.

blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey