The Wife and I got a gift card to Target from my Aunt as a new baby/wedding present. So after I got home from work tonight we went to target to spend some money. It's weird, usually when we get a gift card we start thinking of stuff that we want. However, tonight we went straight for the section of the store that we could buy stuff for Pearl. Like I said a couple of posts ago, having a kid changes your whole life (obviously those with kids know that already).
Anyway, we bought one of these so that I can feed Pearl too:
We got home and Kim went to open it and she discovered that it seemed like it had already been opened. The seal was way to easy to remove, the little plastic thing that held the zipper was broken, there were items missing, and the most incriminating thing was the pump was assembled when it is supposed to be assembled by the customer. First of all the fact that this product was allowed to be returned in the first place is not excusable. Second, a returned product that is made to hold body fluids being put back on the shelf for re-sale is negligent at best. Target knowingly sold me a product that is potentially hazardous, and could cause my baby harm. So tomorrow morning it is back to Target to talk to the management to see how much they don't want me to talk with a lawyer about this situation.
We also got one of these, so we don't have to carry around the big, bulky, and heavy car seat that is part of the stroller we got:
No problems with this one at all. Pearl fits in it perfectly, and it's super easy to use. I can carry my little girl around strapped to my chest...
Here are a couple of photos I snapped a few minutes ago that I like to call the "booby pillow". Pearl got done feeding and went to sleep right there on Mommy's boobies...