
Rainbow Pearl!

Pearl is sporting her new baby legs, they are great leg warmers for little ones. She's also wearing a great shirt that her Grandma Di and Grandpa Steve sent. What a colorful girl!


11 Months!!!

I can't beleive that almost a year ago Miss Pearl joined us, time sure does move quickly. Though, I suspect the time doesn't actually move any quicker, we just have been having so much fun getting to know this amazing little girl that we forgot to look at the clock. Having Pearl in my life is pretty darn special, the mere thought of her makes a bad day a little more tolerable or make a 15 hour work day seem worth it. I love my little girl more than life itself, she so has Daddy wrapped around her little finger.

Without any more "Pearl is great" ramblings, here are the pictures you have been waiting for (and by "you", you know who I mean)...


Pearl's First Computer!

Pearl got her first computer! It's a nifty toy, she couldn't stay away from it !

Mommy thinks Pearl will love her computer as much as Daddy loves his! She loves it so much she was rolling around on the floor with it. Daddy doesn't go that far.

There's that famous "OOOOHHHH" face!

We tried taking our cute Mommy and Pearl photo this month, but Pearl doesn't look too happy. That's ok, you can't be a chipper charlie all the time!

blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey