
February 9, 2009

Dear readers I know I have not talked about Pearl for a while, I am so sorry. She has done some firsts since the last time I updated this blog. Pearl is now able to open doors, and likes to come into the bathroom while Mommy and Daddy are using the toilet. This can be a dangerous thing when I am on the can, she'll learn that though. She likes to wave "Bye Bye" when the toilet flushes too, it's quite cute. I will attempt to get a video of her opening the door, she normally only does it when one of us goes in there, if the other one is outside the door she won't do it. The door "knobs" in our house are not round, they are the ones mandated by the ADA influenced building codes. So they are easier to open, however, she also knows how to open the gates that keep her coralled in certain areas, she's just not strong enough to release herself yet. I figure once she can open the gates she will no longer need to be behind the gates. Well, may be the one going to the kitchen, depending on when she stops trying to eat the dogfood.

I swear this little girl is growing up too fast, but I have to admit I am looking forward to her talking with actual words, this still has not happened yet. She knows what all sorts of things are when we ask her, and she says some words, but have yet to get a full sentence. I think she is just waiting until she has it right, and then out of nowhere "Hello Father, what is the meaning of life?". One thing she is doing that makes Mommy a little misty, is geting down with her bad self and dancing, she does it often now. Mostly she likes to dance to her favorite show: Yo Gabba Gabba. She loves DJ Lance, Muno, Plex, Foofa, Toodee, and Brobee so much, and I have to admit they are pretty catchy. Bumpa is sure one of them is homosexual, it would explain a few things (especially about DJ Lance), heh!

Pearl Dancing!!!

In Daddy news:

I have applied to go to EMT training, and will be taking the basic skills test tomorrow. With luck I should be starting the training in late April. The training will last 20 weeks and I will be a nationally registered EMT, if I pass the course. After that I hope to go to Paramedic training, may be I will score a job with an outfit that pays for further training. Once step at a time though, pass the test tomorrow, which means I need to take my happy ass to bed right about now...

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