
January 26, 2009

Here is the video I shot yesterday of Pearl feeding the ducks.


January 25, 2009 Part 2

Woke the family up today before the day was completely gone, and we got going pretty fast. We all piled in the car and headed to some parks, to get outside and play. It was a beautiful day today, warm again after a week of quite chilly weather indeed. I dressed Pearl in her outfit that I bought her the other day, and she was just as beautiful as the day we had today. I must say my Wife was looking mighty amazing as well, the radiant woman that I fell in love with and the mother of my little girl. We had a really nice day today, I am truly the luckiest man on Earth to have such a wonderful little family. I wonder sometimes if they truly know how much I love and care for them. I try to do at least one thing every day that shows them how much love I have on my heart for them. I really could not imagine life without seeing my Wife and Daughter everyday and giving them hugs and kisses.

Our first stop was our normal park, to push Pearl on the swings and kick the ball around. Pearl has learned what happens when you kick the ball and certainly seems to like doing just that. Also, knows full well what the swing does and is and knows how to beg for swinging without using those elusive words. She communicates quite effectively without them though, it's just going to be a lot easier when she can use her words. Kim and I took the easiest frisbee in the workd with us, so she and I could toss that nack and forth. However, one of us was stuck with the sun poking us in the eyes, and that's no fun really. We gave up on the frisbee pretty quick, but there was still all sorts of Pearl to keep us entertained. She was all over the place, picking up leaves and handing them to us, taking the leaves back and giving them to the other one of us, going over to the fence to flirt with older boys, there was a 17month old there today...

After we had our fill of Minnehaha we decided to take the bread that he had brought with us and go to Lake Lilly and feed the ducks. Pearl really loves hanging out with the ducks and feeding them, even though she gets just a little scared and hides behind her mommy's legs. She started getting a little more brave hear the end of the bag of bread, brave enough to hold the bread up and out on her own for a duck to grab it and eat it out of her hand. Giggles and laughing is all we hear when Pearl is playing by the ducks, she is so adorable. I can't say that enough, please enjoy the pictures... There will be a video at some point, so check back tomorrow!

January 25, 2009

A week ago Pearl entered her 16th month, 16 glorious months since I met my daughter. She is still not quite talking yet, but she does know a couple of words, she has said: "Apple", "Quack, quack" (when we ask where the duck is), "Mama", "Dada", "No", and "Nana". I am starting to get a little impatient waiting to have conversations with her though. I realize that she will start talking more when she's damn good and ready, and nothing I can do will make it go any faster (except make sure to speak to her in an adult voice, not a problem because "Baby talk" drives me batshit), I do have a feeling that it won't be too much longer though. Pearl constantly shows Kim and I how incredibly smart she is in other ways too. She knows where her nose, mouth, ears, lips, belly button, toes, and many other things are when we ask to where they are. She knows who she is in the mirror and admires herself in it often. I know I say it a lot, but, Pearl is a WONDERFUL little person and amazes me at least once every day.

It was 2 years ago today that I found out that I was going to be a Daddy, the journey Kim and I were set on that night has been amazing to say the least. So much has happened since then, and it's been the best adventure I have ever been on, though I knew it was going to be pretty spectacular. Pearl is pretty cool little girl, I am so glad I am able to be her Daddy. I am constantly wondering how everything she does is so cute, and every minute she does something even cuter than the one before. Is it because I am her Daddy and I am supposed to think everything she does is cute? No, I think she is just a super cute little lady, and she knows it too. Even when she is being "bad", it's so hard to be mad at her because of how adorable she is. Of course she knows what face to make at me too get out of trouble the quickest. She is definetly a Bowman, I am hoping I become impervious to "those" looks before she gets too much older. Though. having daddy wrapped around her pinky won't save her from my wrath for everything I don't think. I find myself giggling a lot when I am trying to be stern with her, and she knows just how to push those buttons. She certainly is a crafty little lady...

The "Dora" overalls that Nana and Bumpa
got Pearl for Christmas,
(finally fit and we got a picture)
 Watching TV sitting in her blocks wagon,
she loves sitting in it.
(and being pulled around in it)

About a week ago we moved the TV that was in the living room back into our bed room making the living room into mainly a place for Pearl to play and a place to entertain guests without the interruption of the boob tube. Not that we entertain that often... Now Kim and I can snuggle in bed and watch movies, which is nice too. It seemed a little silly to have such a wonderfully comfortable bed, and not use it for anything other than sleeping. We had moved the TV out of the room so we would watch less, but we just watched more in the living room, now at least we will be in bed snuggling...

Also, I have finally updated my Diabetes blog, It's been quite a while since there has been anything new over there...


January 17, 2009 Part 2

Well, I got canned today along with the Chef and the other Sous Chef. I am so sick of the restaurant business, I don't think I am cut out for it anymore. The plan was to get a couple pay checks under my belt and start EMT training. That will be my primary focus now, to start the training so I can switch "careers". I can get a line cook position or work in catering , I should be able to make enough to make ends meet. The training only costs $1200 at the Seminole County fire academy. I just need to save or raise the $1200 and I can start the academy. If anyone who reads this blog would like to help out there is a donation button over there in the right. I normally would not ask for help, but I could use all that I can get. If I can get 24 people to donate $50 I will have enough to get in the door at the academy, books and gear are extra (but I don't think too much).

I can't help but to feel like a deadbeat, and a little worthless right now. I feel like a bad father... I know it's a little irrational to feel that way, but I can't help it. May be I was never really cut out for this business, and never realized it.

Pearl is doing more and more stuff that screams "I am a smart little girl". She knows what a duck says, and where her face parts are. I was dressing her today and she put her own legs in her pants. She is also starting to know the names of other things and is learning her colors too. I just wish she would start talking so we can have conversations...

January 17, 2009


January 12, 2009 (It's Been Busy Around Here)

A few days ago my Grandpa Vance suffered a stroke while opening presents in PA. He has spent the past few days in the hospital, most of which in the hospice ward. He was not getting better, and it was looking more and more like it was his time. Yesterday evening he died, quite peacefully I am told, and with people that love him. While Grandpa Vance was not my "blood" grandparent he had been in my life for a very long time, right around 29 years so pretty much my whole life. I am saddened that he never got to hold my little girl, but he did meet her when she was in her Mommy's belly though. I will not be able to make it up north for the funeral due to lack of money mostly, but also due to the lack of wanting to take time off of work. Waiting almost 3 months for a restaurant to open makes me not want much time off for a while, plus we need the money around here. Pearl, Kim, and I are here for any family that needs us, you know how to reach us...

Work has been going very well, starting to get busier and busier (bad economy my ass). We haven't even advertised yet, and we are getting business.

Speaking of the economy, seriously, they need to stop saying it's bad. If they started saying the economy is just fine I think people would start spending money again and then the economy would be fine, that is if it really is bad to begin with. Economics is a really confusing concept, I am convinced they made it that way to keep us down. Capitalism is just Feudalism re-packaged...



January 01, 2009 Part 2

I forgot about the video...

January 01, 2009 (Happy New Year, hello 2009!!!)

I know I have let the blog go a little bit, you will have to forgive me I have been working quite a bit and have not had the time. The restaurant has been open now for 3 full nights, and I have worked 12 or more hours a day since Christmas. Last night was the true test of our crew, they did "ok" but there are definitely some issues to be dealt with. Everything was going great, running very smooth in the kitchen, that is until the hostesses sat over 60 people at once (and of course they ordered at the same time, fuck!). You can tell I was pissed, I don't swear too much on this blog (which is odd because I have a mouth like a sailor in RL).

We finally got the package from Nana and Bumpa yesterday morning before I left for work. We got them before 2009 at least, silly slow USPS, though I think it had a lot to do with the weather u north the past week or so. However, we did not open them until I got home from work because I had to leave shortly after they got here (and, Pearl was asleep anyway).

Here are some pictures, from all the gifts she received...

I only put a small selection on here, if there is a picture you think I might have taken, just ask for it and i will post it sometime...

blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey