I went to the Doctor today and had a sebaceous cyst removed from my back. Everything went just fine, and it all came out in one piece. Now I got some stitches and some darvocet to make the pain go away. The Dr. told me not to worry about it being cancerous, but it still went off to be tested. I have another appointment next week to get the stitches out and find out the test results.
Pearl had a Dr. appointment today too, her 6 week check up. Yeah! Pearl is 6 weeks old today. She's 10 lbs and 12 oz and has gotten up to 22.5 inches long. She has a little bit of cradle cap (baby dandruff), so we got some olive oil and head and shoulders so it should clear up in a couple of days. Developmentally she's been advanced, she's already holing her head up and focusing on moving objects. Also, she is quite literally pushing the boundaries of cute, it's almost to the point of disqustingly cute.
Anyway, enjoy pics of pearl at 6 weeks old
Daddy And Pearl Both Saw A Doctor Today
6 weeks old!
So six weeks ago today, I was on pins and needles, sending energy to your mom and dad, and wishing I could be there. Today, I am still wishing I could be with you and your parents more than I can. But I do know some things about you; you are observant of what's happening around you, you love to use your hands, you want to move, you are secure, and you are so loved. You have the eyes of a wise soul. I suspect you will continue to amaze everyone as you grow. I also suspect you have some very special gifts. I wait anxiously every day for the latest picture of you or report of your progress. You have enriched my life already; I can't wait to see where you go from here. I love you, Pearl
PPOTD: Times 2!
Mimsy and I had picture taking day with Pearl today. I had to get some photos of her in her frog outfit...she's almost too big for it already. I've called her my frog baby since she was born because she likes drawing her legs up under her so much and it makes her look like a frog.
Mimsy shot the one of her in her rainforest swing. She loves that thing so much, it puts her right to sleep if she's fussy. Enjoy the photos!
5 Weeks Old Video
Took me a few days to get this done, the 13 hour day yesterday didn't help. So here is a video of Pearl at 5 weeks old for your viewing pleasure.
Feliz CumpliaƱos A Mi
So it's my birthday today, whoopeee!!! More importantly my little girl is 5 weeks old and doing spectacularly!!! She's focusing on objects and everything, so yeah, it's a good day today.
Happy Birthday Bean
A Little Poem for Bean
bath baby wise
child old spirit lovely
skin little hands
swadled snug bath
baby already direct gaze
bean sprout pea pod
bath baby
reach and sleep and eat dream
and dream and dream
bath baby
home with us one month old
home with us
wise child
PPOTD: Nap Time
Pearl felt like napping after "lunch", so she got all bundled up to keep warm. She loves her thermal blankets...and napping too!
Nana: After 4 weeks of grandparenthood
I am honored to join the authors of this blog. Having a granddaughter has been the most exciting surprise of my life. I knew I would be a mother; I never knew I would be a grandmother. I keep thinking about my grandmothers and what I loved about them as well as what I didn't like. I will try to incorporate both my Nana and Gram's love and nuturing abilities in grandparenting our beautiful Pearl who already has a wisdom and strength that is obvious. She is also one of the most secure 4 week olds I have ever seen (and I've been around a few) thanks to the wonderful parenting of Kim and Clay. You guys continue to impress me.
WHOOPEE, the whole "famn damily" joins in posting!
Thanks to Daddy all the grandparents can post stories and photos etc. I'm Pearl's Mimsy and Mommy's Mom and I'm just delighted to be a part of this wonderful little girl's life which makes me the luckiest Mimsy in the whole wide world!
Welcome New Blog Contributors
I changed the purpose of this blog a little bit yesterday. Up until now it's been Kim and I documenting what we were going through throughout the pregnancy. I want Pearl's grandparents to be able to make posts to the blog if they would like to as well. So the new blog format is how, as a family, we are adjusting to the new addition. Also, I want the family to share their thoughts about watching Pearl grow up. So welcome "Baby Pearl Bowman" Blog's new authors: Nana, Bumpa Bob, and Mimsy.
4 Weeks Old Today!
Well, we made it to 4 weeks and everything is going quite well. Pearl is doing really great, though she has a bit of a cold. Past couple of days she's been all snotty, and sneezy, and a little coughing is going on too. Mommy has been real good about checking her temperature and there has not been any fever so were just leting the cold run it's course. Pearl's immune system will thank us later I think...
Enjoy the great photo, hehehe:
Pearl's First Bath
So, 2 nights ago Pearl got her first bath ever, as in an actual submerged in water bath. I have to say she loved having a bath, not even a peep and I could swear I saw a smile here and there. Anyway, Pearl's Mimsy (Kim's Mom) was operating the video camera, so I put together a little video to share with all of you. Warning: There is naked baby cuteness contained in this video...
Check out that after bath baby 80's hair, all that spikey without gell, Pearl is totally awesome...hehehe!
PPOTD: Nipple Attack!
A nipple can crawl up your nose if you don't pay attention while breastfeeding! Pearl learned her lesson the hard way!
3 Weeks!!!
Pearl is 3 weeks old today, and things continue to be new and strange around here. It has sunk in that I am in fact a Daddy, and a pretty good one too I think. The infant jaundice seems to be almost completely cleared up, which makes mommy and me happy. My Mother came down for a visit last week, so Pearl had her Nana and her Mimsy in the same place for a whole week. It was real nice having my Mom around for a few days, I wish that she lived closer so she could see her grand daughter more often. Anyway, we had a great time this week hanging out and going for rides in the car. We did a little shopping to get a few things. Seeing as how this coming halloween will be Pearl's first one, we got her very first costume (that with a little adjustment could be used next year too, may be). We got a hands free diaper pail to put the dirty ones in. Finally, we received some money from my Aunt to put towards a swing, so we got the rainforest swing to match the rest of the stuff we have.
2 Weeks Old Today
Pearl has been with us for 2 whole weeks now. We are definetly turning into quite the happy little family unit. Pearl's Nana got here today to visit for a week. Pearl has 2 grandmas around for a little bit, how lucky...