
A Baby Belly is on the way!

My uterus is growing, you can feel it poking out over my pubic bone. If I had a flat stomach to start with I'm sure you'd be able to see it. But, no, I'm a well-cushioned girl with a belly. Sometimes I feel you'll never be able to see that I'm pregnant. That's my delusional self being cruel. It will happen Kim.

These are the things I told Clay I was waiting for last night:

I want to feel Bean move inside me, how incredible that will be. I know there is a little human in there, but to feel it will amaze me.

I want a big, pregnant Buddah belly! I already fall asleep every night with my hands on my stomach. Bring on the belly!

I want Clay to be able to put his hands on that belly and feel his child move inside me. Sometimes pregnancy seems so unfair to the Daddy. He has to live through all the milestones of the baby growing, moving and such hearing about it. When he can lay his hands on my tummy and actually feel Bean move and kick...that will be a tear-jerker for me.

Patience Kimberly, it will all come in good time.

2 of you posted a comment...:

Unknown said...

Baby filled buddah bellies are the prettiest site on the planet :)

Anonymous said...

ditto to what jess said and by the way Cocoa Butter (straight up cocoa butter and not lotion with it in) may help the itching

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