
Pregnancy Limbo...

For a couple of weeks now I've felt like I'm in some sort of limbo pregnancy wise. It's weird. At the beginning my boobs got sore, I was so tired all the time, mood swings plagued me...but it FELT like I was pregnant.

I've gotten to the stage where my energy is back for the most part, my boobs aren't really sore anymore (although the sensitive nipples are still there. sorry if that's TMI), my mood swings are less frequent. I feel the baby move a little each day, my belly is a bit bigger according to my pants, but it's like I've stalled. I know that sounds funny, I'm just an impatient girl. It's hard waiting. But it's all worth it.

I have another doctor's appointment in the morning. I missed one when I was in the hospital, so we're making up for it. I hope they listen for the heartbeat again, it's a sound that makes me so emotional and happy.

1 of you posted a comment...:

Anonymous said...

You just wait---you'll wake up one morning and the belly will be huge--it's like it happens overnight!! I never felt healthier than when I was pregnant--sounds like that might be what's going to happen with you, too. Just had this big belly sticking out there, but I felt great! I loved being "preggers"-let us know about doctor visit

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