
I Just Want To Share This...

Kim and I belong to an online community called "IAM". It's part of a larger site called As a matter of fact that is where Kim and I met each other, with Kim boldly stating: "good god, you are beautiful". Our love has continued to grow and blossom into what it is now, with no signs of subsiding. Anyway, the other day I looked onto her IAM page and she had written this little ditty:

"It's amazing to me how life can change so quickly. I remember not too long ago I was a lonely and sad girl. I met Clay and how things have changed. I have never felt more alive, loved, IN love, safe, and excited about the future. Clay pulls me out of the shell I've lived in for so many years, gets me to think outside of my box, pops the bubble in which I enclosed myself. He makes me laugh, feel sexy, and tortures me in ways I love.

Thank you Clay for being the man you are. Thank you for loving me as the person I am, for not asking me to change anything about myself. Thank you for giving us the gift of our unborn child. You mean everything to me, I love you baby."

Every time I read that I get misty, I cried for a while when I first read it. It's not so much what it says, which is beautiful, but the fact that she shows it everyday in her actions. It's one thing to say "I love you" but it's completely different showing it while you say it. I have never felt this way about somebody, it makes my heart smile, and makes me weep with joy when I think about how much I love and am loved by Kimberly...

3 of you posted a comment...:

Kim said...

Now it's my turn for the water works! I love you so much Clay, and it warms my heart that we are so open and honest with each other. There is a lot to be said about being open with emotions, I wish more couples could do it.

Clay said...

I am so freaken happy your my girl!!!

Unknown said...

You two are so cute I want to puke.

Seriously though, I'm really happy for you guys, and for Bean! This kid is so lucky to have a family waiting with big smiles and open arms.

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