
Test results

I got the results back from my one hour glucose blood sugar was at 161 when it should have been around 135 or lower. So I have to go on Monday morning and have a fun filled 3 hour glucose test. The nurse didn't seem too worried about it, but I'm a worrier, so I'll stress a bit until the test is done and I have the results. My Mom is diabetic from her pancreatitis, so I've used her meter to check my blood sugar a couple of times, and it's been normal. Running around to get shots, have tests, and be poked and prodded sucks, but it's all worth it for this munchkin in my belly.

Clay and I are counting down the days until we leave for Michigan. One week from today and we will be married!! My handsome husband to be just gives me the shivers, I know I've said it before, but I'm a lucky woman.

3 of you posted a comment...:

Anonymous said...

That sugar number is not that bad; no worriess really. AND your husband to be is a lucky man!! So are we; we couldn't ask for a better daughter (in-law)

Clay said...

GOD DAMMIT, will you people stop making me cry, for crying out loud...


Unknown said...

It's okay Clay, it's those pregnancy hormones getting to you.

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