
PPOTD: Times 2!

Mimsy and I had picture taking day with Pearl today. I had to get some photos of her in her frog outfit...she's almost too big for it already. I've called her my frog baby since she was born because she likes drawing her legs up under her so much and it makes her look like a frog.

Mimsy shot the one of her in her rainforest swing. She loves that thing so much, it puts her right to sleep if she's fussy. Enjoy the photos!

4 of you posted a comment...:

Betty Wolff said...

(you have no idea how much I love it in the swing, have to admit I'm a tad bit big for it, but I'll take any way to relax, even stealing Pearl's!) Funny Mommy, the way you worded your last sentence makes it sound like I, me, Mimsy doddle, loves the rainforest swing....guffaw, guffaw!! Precious froggy Pearl, she's grown so much. She becomes more beautiful each and every day.

Kim said...

Come on Mimsy, I saw you swinging away...admit it!

Clay said...

OMFG could our daughter be ANY more cute??? I don't think so, she's gonna break a lot of hearts when she grows up!!!!

Betty Wolff said...

I swear Mommy, not even the threat of "water torture", the "rack". "red hot pincers", no, not even being denied "chocolate covered raisinettes" will force me to break my silence. Horrendous accusations, I'm shocked!

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