

Lola, Joey, Willow and I are sitting here listening to all the fireworks.....Joey is the only calm doggie, Willow is trying to climb up my back and poor Lola is soooooooo afraid of the noises she is trembling and panting. They certainly have a long night ahead of them! I promise to do my best to comfort them, Joey says he will help too. Dad's ready to begin the show, just waiting on you dear Pearl to finish your "dinner" and he can begin the FUN! May the New Year bring everyone lots of love and happiness, plus "a little peace and contentment". HAPPY 2008, let the good times roll :o)


15 Weeks and The New Year!

Grandma Di is here, and we were looking at Nana's baby pictures. She insisted that I post a picture of me at 3 months that she thought was you, Pearl. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to get it in the right format to post it here. So, I am sending it to your Mom and Dad and maybe they can post it for me. I love you my little one.

Posted by Mommy for Nana!


Half Way Through 14 Weeks

It's almost 2008 and if you would have aked me 2 years ago if I thought I would have a family right now I would have said "Who me?". Now our little girl has been with us for almost 15 weeks and I have been married for 6 months. Anyway, Kim and I were about to leave to go to the store and I looked over at Pearl and saw a perfect picture op. I caught the little cutie sleeping and looking adorable, and thought I would share the pictures with you all. Also, A picture from last week as well to share...


14 Weeks Old & 1st Christmas

What a banner day for Miss Pearl, your first Christmas and 14 weeks since you were born!
Bumpa and I got to talk with you on web cam thanks to your Mom and Dad. I promise we will do our best to be with you next Christmas. We noticed today that you are able to hold your head up much longer and that you really want to look at everything. So curious, so strong, and so beautiful. We miss and love you very much.



Let's go outside later tonight and look up into the sky for Rudolph's shiny red nose, OK? And let's all go for a walk to see the festive Christmas lights in the neighborhood, OK? What a fun time Pearl, and you are the best gift of all, you have brought so much joy and happiness to all those who love you, little charmer. HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!


3 Months Old!

Today Pearl is 3 months old, and I think "Wow, has it really been 3 whole months since this little girl has come into my life?". She does so many wonderful and amazing things, but the most excellent thing is her just simply choosing me to be her Dad. Before Pearl joined us people told us of things to expect and what not, but I was not prepared for the ammount of love and joy this little girl brings into my life. Recently she has started to smile when she hears my voice, and will coo in response to me. I will hold her on my lap, her eyes get all big and she looks around with total amazement at everything she sees. Loud noises startle her, like when I cough or sneeze, and she does this cute little thing that I can't describe in words. She doesn't like it when I blow my nose either, she gets a very worried look on her face, but very cute in a wierd way too. There are so many things that are unexpectedly wonderful, I can't even begin to imagine my life without Pearl anymore. I often wonder if she knows how much I love her and how much she means to me, I plan on showing her how much everyday for the rest of my life though.

Three Months today!

Three Months! One one hand, it seems like you have always been with us; on the other hand, it seems like you just came into our lives. In any case, I am so glad you are with us, Miss Pearl. I miss you with all my heart and can't wait to hold you again.


PPOTD: Pearl Loves to Shop!

Pearl went shopping with some of the Christmas money she has received. Two of the things she decided to get were this onesie stating her love for her Nana and her Mimsy! She also got a bebepod chair that helps her learn to sit up. Shopping is FUN!


PPOTD: You're In the Jungle Baby!

Pearl had some fun in her rainforest baby gym that Nana and Bumpa bought her. For the first while she was just fine. All of a sudden it was like someone hit a switch and she started screaming! I think it was sensory overload...poor little monkey.


PPOTD: The Grouch Series!

Pearl has been grumpy the last couple of days, not wanting to take naps, crying quite a bit, etc. Here she is after eating a good meal, then finally crashing and staying asleep! I love her little hands and feet, so I had to take a couple of shots of them. I hope our little munchkin wakes up in a better mood, she's too adorable to be such a grumpy puss! It's time for another manicure, her fingernails grow like mad!


PPOTD: Pearl Dares to Bare!

I'm sure you will all throw up soon from the amount of cuteness that is being posted the last couple of days. Barf bags are not supplied for you, you'll have to bring your own.


PPOTD: Silly Sunday

How could we resist posting these super-sicky sweet photos of everyone's favorite baby, Miss Pearl of course! I was playing with her hair and made a "faux hawk" for our little rocker. Then we did a little brushing of the locks and took the "glamour" and sleepy shots below. Enjoy!


PPOTD: Sleepy Saturday

Pearl, Mimsy, and I were lounging and watching a movie this afternoon. Pearl loves sleeping on her Boppy, so we had to capture a few shots of her for her Nana. Willow decided she wanted to join the cozy lump laying beside her, so she hopped right on top of Pearl. What a snuggle bunch!


For The Love Of Pearl.....

Thank you Pearl. You have brought your Mimsy so many gifts as well as your happy, smiling, "Rockettes" kicking self! You have given me the opportunity to kiss the top of your sweet-smelling head over and over again. My heart fills to bursting every time you really look at me, and when you smile, well, I explode with joy. Watching you express yourself with those amazing hands and long, long fingers is a conversation in itself. Pulling sock fluffies off your spreading pink toes is a game in itself. Hugging you closely and sharing the breezes blowing in the backyard with the three doggies makes every muscle in my body relax, even my non-stop whirling gray matter actually takes a break - it begins to float. Such generous gifties dearest girl. I love you so much. Again, thank you Pearl.

For Pearl on her Eleventh Week

This Child

This child must face out. She is drawn
by lights and a sun
carved into the mirror’s frame.

This child flexes her fingers,
a ballerina in her tiny hands. When she cries
there is always someone to reach out.

She coaxes everyone in
to love. She is new to traffic and wind
and restaurants where rude people appraise her parents

for the way they ornament their bodies
thousands of years older
than the way such eye-rollers worship

their gods. This child could never belong
to those who worship such a shallow god,
she is so safe, so unfettered

by concerns of the petty or the stunted.
This child is passed from arms to arms,
she demands to be involved,

to see. Egrets fall
like parachutes from the sky,
little stuffed giraffes parade in circles

over her bed.
This child suckles with an abandon
known only those willing to be sated,

milk-drunk, while we sit in an old circle
all around the bed, a circle as old
as stories of the parents of our parents of

their parents, as old as tattoos;
as necessary as family and laughter. This child
starts to remember dreams and flops

into slumber after a short, good cry.
She curls over my legs
as she goes limp into sleep and dreams new

faces or passages from the body
of her mother. Her eyelids flutter.
Best not to move her then. Just feel

her little breaths, watch her face
wrinkle and ease, feel
the little papump

papump papump of her holy heart.

-- Bob Vance


Pearl and her parents

Here are two pictures we took while visiting Clay and Kim and Mimsy and Pearl. We particularly like the shot of Pearl with her parents. We continue to talk about and gloat over what good parents Clay and Kim are. What a secure and satisfied little girl they are bringing into this troubled world. And with the presence and support of Mimsy, what more could Pearl ask for?

blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey