
3 Months Old!

Today Pearl is 3 months old, and I think "Wow, has it really been 3 whole months since this little girl has come into my life?". She does so many wonderful and amazing things, but the most excellent thing is her just simply choosing me to be her Dad. Before Pearl joined us people told us of things to expect and what not, but I was not prepared for the ammount of love and joy this little girl brings into my life. Recently she has started to smile when she hears my voice, and will coo in response to me. I will hold her on my lap, her eyes get all big and she looks around with total amazement at everything she sees. Loud noises startle her, like when I cough or sneeze, and she does this cute little thing that I can't describe in words. She doesn't like it when I blow my nose either, she gets a very worried look on her face, but very cute in a wierd way too. There are so many things that are unexpectedly wonderful, I can't even begin to imagine my life without Pearl anymore. I often wonder if she knows how much I love her and how much she means to me, I plan on showing her how much everyday for the rest of my life though.

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