So, in one month it will have been 2 years since I found out I was going to be a daddy. I gotta tell you that if you would have told me anytime before that day, that I would be married with a daughter right now I might have laughed. I wouldn't change anything about my life right now, except may be living somewhere other than Florida (anywhere!). There are 3 days that I have been the happiest I had ever been in my life (actually a few more than that since Pearl got here). The first was when Kim told me I was going to be a daddy, and the second was when Kim said "I do". The third, was the day that I met my daughter for the first time. Looking into her big blue eyes (with the great eyelashes) I suddenly felt my whole world change into something exciting and scary, but I was definitely up to the challenge (and still am of course).
Happy Christmas to my readers, or happy whatever holiday that you celebrate in your homes. We are waiting until tomorrow when the presents from Nana and Bumpa get here to open them all, they were delayed due to all the snow up north. It was a lazy day at the Bowman residence today, laying around and some nap taking, no football though as we're not really into that. I guess football is more of a turkey day thing, see that's how much we know about football related things (not much at all).
I made dinner tonight and in fact eating it right now as I post this entry. I made bacon wrapped pork loin stuffed with boudin, garlic whipped red potatoes, and green beans. It's very good, but anything with bacon is good in my opinion, plus Clay don't make crap food, LOL...
Fresh out of the oven:
First cut to see my handiwork:
Well, tomorrow is Christmas, it sure feels like it got here really fast. It will be Pearl's second one, she sure has grown and change a lot since her first one. It's amazing to look at the pictures from last year and this year together. Next Christmas she should be talking even, and asking all sorts of questions about Santa.
It's so nice to come home to a smiling Pearl, and a wife that makes me dinner. It's the simple things in life that make the world go round I think...
We got all (well, almost) the food and paper goods today. Looks like we will open next Monday if all goes according to the plan.
Pearl was so happy to see me when I got home, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I sure did miss her today, I kind of have been spoiled the past couple of months. Being able to spend so much time with my family has been so nice. I am tempted to take the day shift so I will have my nights at home, we'll see.
The real reason why I wanted to do lights this year is a simple one, I did it because it makes having a family more real to me somehow. I have always thought that decorating for Christmas was a thing that families do for their kids. Decorated trees are a place to put the kids toys, and waiting for Santa is definetly for the children. I was single (or close to it) for my 20's and part of my 30's too. I had no occasion to put up decorations, and I opened any presents I received when I got them. Now I have a Wife and a wonderful little daughter, and things just seem more like christmas again. So the lights on the house are for Pearl in a way, but mostly they are for my Family... Happy Christmas Pearl and Kim, I love you both with all my heart, thank you for being my family and giving me a reason to want to decorate for the holliday...
Had a great day today, gotta love the kitchen I get to work in. It's so bright and shiny and all of it new. They skimped on some of the smallwares and storage items, but I am sure once we get going and we the kitchen leaders as a unified front will tell them that we need stuff (and they will have to give in). Have a busy couple of weeks coming up, I don't know how ready I am for the amount of work to be done, but it will be fun and won't seem that much once we get through some of it. Also, since Pearl joined us work really hasn't seemed like WORK, it seems like it's all worth it now.
Got home today and there was a card in the mail from great granddad Vance with a couple of Sears gift card in it. We proceeded to go to Sears and got Pearl 1 outfit, 1 pair of PJ's (with feet), and 2 toys, and some other stuff. It was a $75 card for Kim and I and a $25 card for Pearl, obviously we spent most of our
card on her (she deserves it). It was almost as if we were able to buy 2 presents for her, it being a little (understatement) tight for money right now. I guess we could have wrapped them and given them to her on Thursday, but she was at the store with us so she already saw them and everything. Really though, what good is a toy in a box wrapped in paper rather than being played with, I ask you...
After over two months of waiting, my job is actually starting tomorrow. We are set to start cooking on Monday and opening by Friday of next week. I am happy that I will be working again and able to buy stuff. I have enjoyed my time with my family though.
We had steak for dinner tonight, I made 3 filets wrapped with bacon and gratin potatoes. I made a stuffed sole for myself too, as I am the only one in the house that eats fish (Pearl had some too). The steak my folks sent is pretty good, and being a Chef I know whet I am talking about...
We got a big huge box of meat today from Nana and Bumpa. Pork Chops, Filet Mignon, Stuffed Sole, Burgers, Sirloins, Chicken Breasts, and even some gratin. Our freezer is packed full, and I am trying to figure out what to thaw first.
Went to work today to put together the restaurant because it has to be set up according to the plans for tomorrow. They should be getting the CO and we should be starting by Friday or Saturday. We want to have the cooks in there by Monday at the latest.
Kim re-arranged the furniture in the living room today to give Pearl more room with her toys. I guess Pearl added another delicacy to her diet, protein packed dead beetles are now taking their place next to the floor fluff and cardboard. Well, it looks good in here so what if a insectiphobe mommy has to fish dead beetle parts out of her daughter's mouth, no pain no gain (just kidding baby). Pearl and I just got up from a nap on the couch while Kim was out, and shared a piece of Gouda. I think Gouda is a much more suitable thing for my little girl to ingest.
Went to do "big shopping" today, we just love Walmart. We walked out with 133 items in our 2 carts, yeah we got food for a while. We got a package from Pearl's Poppy today, looks like some Christmas presents. We'll have to put them under the tree that's on it's way from Bumpa and Nana. The one we did open was the one that clearly said "OPEN THIS", so I did. Inside was a picture of Poppy, and a card with a little x-mas money. So now Pearl can see what her Poppy looks like, hopefully she will meet him soon. She needs to meet her Opa Dries too, that would be a trip to The Netherlands (WOOT!).
Tomorrow I have something special planned, but I am not going to say what it is until I know it's going to happen. Don't worry, it's a good thing, nay, it's a grand thing.
Went to get a new battery today, they made me take out of the car though and put the new one in. Last time we got a battery they did it, not this time though. The excuse the guy gave was that there were only 2 people working, I said there were only 2 customers in the store but he ignored me. Whatever we got a new battery, next we need an oil change, one more new tire, and get the brakes looked at I am sure they need to get new pads soon.
Pearl, just went down for bed, she's so tired but won't go to sleep. She's doing her heart wrenching crying right now, probably standing up in her crib. Poor little monkey, I hope she cries herself to sleep soon. If not we'll go in and get her, we get soft after a few minutes of this...
So, Pearl can now point to the window when you ask her where it is. Also, she is starting to blow kisses back at you when you do it first. The car wouldn't start earlier, so I went to talk to my mechanic neighbor. It turned out to be the battery, thankful it wasn't the starter as he first thought it was. While he was helping out with the car his wife was ogling Pearl. We all went over to their house and saw the cool deck and pool they just got. Then I left to go to a friend's birthday party for a couple of hours. I got home and saw the gifts Pearl got from them, a picnic table and a cool glow-worm thing.
Went for a little drive today before going to Walmart for groceries and TP. Pearl has it easy just poopin in her diapers, we need the TP. I guess though if we had diapers someone would have to change them... Walmart was as fun as always, lots of interesting people to look at. Pearl got a little grumpy, but a pack of straws made that all better.
I don't want to get political on this blog, as it is a blog about being a daddy. I guess though my political views shape my being a daddy a little bit. So I want to share an email I got today. It is an open letter to President Elect Obama by Jello Biafra. Jello was the lead singer of a politically charged punk band in the 80's called The Dead Kennedys (for those who don't know). Aside from my parents Jello Biafra was a big influence on my political views, other influences include Emma Goldman, Karl Marx, and a few others. Anyway, it's kind of a long letter so I posted it elsewhere, you can find it over HERE...
Here is a nice poem that Pearl's Bumpa wrote...
I was reading a friend's blog, and she's worried about passing things on to her child. It got me thinking about how much, as parents, we pass on to our children. Bad habits, propensity for destructive behavior, or may be our values (right or wrong). Then there are genetically passed on diseases and mental disorders, and that's just as much a crap shoot as eye color and sex. I think if we as parents are open, honest, treat our children with respect, try to control the things we can, and not stress the stuff we can't control. Then, I think they will be just fine. Let them be kids, try to show them a thing or two along the way, and then always be there for them no matter what they do. In the case of genetically passed stuff, let them know there is a chance and give them the tools to deal with it if they have to.
Went to the park today to play on the swings and with all the dead leaves. There were some other people there when we got there, but they left soon after..."oh no, the tattooed freaks are here". It's plausible, they looked like people that would do that, or may be I am prejudiced against "plain-skins" or just people in general, I have never been known to really like people all that much. We had a good time and Pearl looked too cute for words...
Ever since Pearl was a wee little baby Kim and I have blown air into her face to see the always different reactions that we get. They have ranged to suprise, to laughing, to a cute little gasping sound. Today she was blowing back, this is a big step I think. That's not the only thing she copies, she imitates a lot that we do. The other night I was putting lotion on my hands and arms, Pearl was standing in front of me making the same motions that I was. Toninght Kim had one of Pearl's spoons in her mouth and shaking her head back and forth. Pearl was sitting on her lap, also shaking her head back and forth with a spoon in her mouth.
We went to Target this evening to get Kim a prescription and also to get out of the house for a few minutes. We "window shopped" clothes for Pearl and wondered around. I took her out of the cart and let her walk around a little. Pearl walked right to the toy aisle. We showed her a dancing singing "brobie" and a motorized "Elmo", I don't think she likes the self moving toys. She danced a little to Brobie, but at a safe distance. For Elmo she just hid behind Mommy's legs. I wonder if she has any idea how amazingly cute she is, yeah probably...
Looks like I will be starting work on Friday, Woot!!!
I could tell earlier that Kim could really use some baby-free time, she was having a little "Mommy Meltdown". So I decided to take Pearl out in the car and go somewhere, I really didn't know where though. I threw Pearl into a cute outfit, her purple pants with the little flowers on the bottom, and purple ruffle shirt with the striped sleeves seemed to be the perfect one. Yesterday Kim and I had talked about going to the mall to see how much a visit with Santa would be. So Pearl and I decided to drive over to the mall together too see about Santa. We got to fashion square mall and parked, I had no idea where Santa would be. Of course he was all the way on the other side of the mall. Pearl and I got a nice tour of fashion square mall, not a bad mall as malls go.
We got to Santa and he was on a break and was due back in 5 minutes, and after looking at the prices we decided to wait for Santa to return. There was only one family in front of us in line so Pearl's turn came fast. I put her on Santa's lap and she sort of half smiled and pointed towards the camera. Then she started freaking out, and they did not get any more good pictures. So pearl's first time with Santa we got one pretty good picture...
After Santa we trekked all the way back through the mall to the car. Before going home we had to go over to Publix to get some juice and i also picked up some fried chicken for dinner. On the way to the store Pearl decided to crash out in her seat, I felt bad waking her up when we got to Publix.
Earlier today Pearl was a little tired and she was half napping on her Mommy, she got down and walked over to me. She made a little noise and climbed up on my chest and put her head down and went to sleep. It was so sweet, I got a little misty. Also, Pearl really likes getting in to things and be pulled around, she has so much fun and smiles real big.
Pearl, Kim, Mimsy, and I all listened to Bumpa graduate from the life coach program he was in. We are all very proud of him, good job Bumpa!
Pearl is getting more and more steady on her feet, only stumbling when she is tired. She can really move too, one second she is there and the next she is on the other side of the house. We are still waiting communication in actual English, but she knows where her belly button, ears, nose, and mouth are now. She always seems to be busy moving things around, we wonder what the story is that she's telling herself as she plays. It's real interesting to watch a child grow, and to think that I was once that age doing the same weird stuff that she is.
Yesterday Mommy and Mimsy took Pearl over to Babies-r-Us for a little while. I guess Pearl had a great time, walking around and playing on toddler beds, following people around, andplaying with toys. May be Kim will describe it better on her blog, She's been writing on "Pearl and Her Mommy" more often lately, you should all check it out.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Pearl got a new toy too:
My Wife Kimberly has to be the most amazing person I have ever known. I say wife, but she is much more than just that. Kimberly is my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my back scratcher, my cuddle partner, and more. I am honored to have found such a wonderful, intelligent, super sexy woman to spend the rest of my life with. I can think of no one esle that I would want to be the mother of my little girl, she is an amazing Mommy. I know: that I can be a pain in the ass, I make funny/easily misunderstood faces, I tease her too much, and I don't communicate all the time. I am not an easy man to be around sometimes, but she always wants to be around me. She loves me, and she shows it all the time in every little thing she does. Doing my laundry because it's dirty and needs to be done, not because it's some sort of weird sense of duty. Changing the poo diapers because she knows how much I hate it (I could change more though, sorry baby!). Telling me that I am handsome, even though I don't feel it. Most of all the way she looks at me with all that love behind her eyes, makes me feel it in my toes...
I love you Kim, and thank you for being in my life and raising Pearl with me.
Yesterday Me, Mommy, Mimsy, Bumpa, and Pearl went to Wakiwa springs. Bumpa went swimming because he's used to cold water, and he's a little crazy. Actually, the water was not that cold really, but the air was only in the 60's. If it was a hot summer day I would have been more inclined to take a dip. We walked around the park a little bit and checked stuff out, then my blood sugar dropped to 72 so we needed to get going.
Today I made biscuits and gravy with bacon for breakfast, it was good, though I made the gravy a little too salty for my taste. Then Mommy, Bumpa, and I took Pearl to her park to play. It was a little chilly, but the sun was out and there were no clouds. Pearl kissed her first boy today, a little kid named Tyler that was at the park with his Daddy. Too bad we didn't get a picture of that, no one was ready for that one.
Went to dinner at Tijuana Flats, had a burrito. Pearl tried mexican food, seemed to like it. Having a great time with Bumpa, that's for sure. Was going to go to the park today, but it rained all day, we will try to go tomorrow. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow, good for going to the park.
Got up this morning and went to breakfast at the IHOP that's attached to the hotel. I had French Toast with scrambled eggs and sausage with a side of hashbrowns. Kim had Pancakes, Hashbrowns, 2 Eggs Over Easy, Bacon, and Toast. Pearl had a taste of all of that as well, cause we shared of course. After breakfast we headed off to Target for a couple of needed items, and chocolate. Then we decided to go for a drive, and do some exploring. We went through downtown Titusville and decided to go to the beach, and saw a sign for a wildlife drive and went that way instead. We found the Black Point Wildlife Drive and went in to check it out. It was a pretty cool thing, we saw lots of birds and were keeping our eyes peeled for aligators. Just when I was thinking that we wouldn't see any gators Kim spotted one just basking in the sun. We ended up seeing 6 of them, all different sizes including what appeared to be a 13 foot monster.
Bumpa took us all down to Titusville for a little mini vacation. We went to Corky Bells for dinner, pearl tried Shrimp, Scallops, Hush Puppies, and Ribs.
Happy Thanksgiving 11-27-08
I made Turkey Breasts, Mashetopatoes, Cornbread and Sausage Stuffing, Beets, Crescent Rolls, and Gravy for dinner tonight. It was Pearl's first Thanksgiving Dinner, last year she had breast milk. Bumpa, Mimsy, Mommy, and Me all shared Pearl's first with her.
Went to Publix and got stuff for thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night. Not much but it will do for 4 adults and a stinker. I was on a social networking site I use and a friend on there had this cute little thing on her page, so I made one too. I dare you not to laugh...
Bumpa tomorrow morning!!!

Went to see Zack and Miri Make A Porno today, I laughed a lot. Mimsy and Mommy took Pearl shopping and got some new socks and a shirt for the munchkin. The sock gremlins have been attacking with some regularity, so she needed new ones. Plus it's always nice to by Pearl new stuff. Only 2 days until Bumpa, woot!
Pearl is doing really cool things, that show me and mommy how smart our little girl is. We ask her for a kiss and she comes over and stretches her neck out and gives us kisses. She holds her hands up when we say "all gone", and when we say "no" she shakes her head no and stops what she is doing (well, most of the time anyway). She likes to put things in places, and even puts her "little people" in their seats on their bus. She walks most of the time now, and it's starting to look weird to us when she crawls. I think as soon as she really starts to communicate in english we will teach her about the toilet.
Busy Pearl
Pearl likes to do lots of things during the day, playing with toys and remote controls, riding her bike and climbing the sofa, and carrying things from one place to another. Lovely little Pearl, growing up so fast, I feel like I am going to blink my eyes and she will be in college or travelling the world. I love our little monkey!!!