
A Fine Evening Indeed

I got home from work tonight and walked into our bedroom and was greeted by a perfect photo oportunity. Kim and Pearl were both sleeping in the bed and looking adorable. I am such a lucky Husband/Daddy to have 2 cuties to come home to, be jealous!!!

Also, here is a picture that Kim took earlier today that makes me want to burst into laughter...

5 of you posted a comment...:

Nana said...

Little Miss Pearl sure does like sleeping with her hand on her face, doesn't she? They look so damn fine together--thanks for these shots---see you all ll weeks from today (I think it's 11 weeks)

Unknown said...

Kim & Pearl look so peaceful dozing together. And I love the expression on the Bean's face in that last photo!

Nana said...

Oops!! It's 12 weeks from today!!
Bumpa and I just went clothes shopping for Miss Pearl-will pop them in the mail on Monday...

Kim said...

Wow, pictures of me sleeping that I actually like! I love sleeping with Miss Pearl...she is so comforting to be next to.

Betty Wolff said...

Ahhhhhhh, sigh, sigh.... My daughter and my daughter's daughter in dreamland together. Lovely pics Clay dear.

blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey