
Pearl Cam - Part 2

Here is Pearl eating breakfast the other day. She started making a funny face that morning when I'd give her a spoonful of bananas. I only captured it a couple of times at the very beginning of the video. Enjoy!

3 of you posted a comment...:

Nana said...

I love it! Pearl sure does enjoy her banannas! I've watched it 4 times already! The countdown continues: we'll be with you in EIGHT days!!!

Betty Wolff said...

Dear Nana and Bumpa: I asked Mimsy to write you. She shows me on the calendar the days you are coming to be with me. Thank you so much for bouncy Tigger in his Bunny suit, and The Funny Frog Family. I can stick my foot so far down my throat I throw up on everything and anyone in range. I LOVE YOU, your Pearl

Nana said...

Dear Miss Pearl,
Our thanks to Mimsy for helping you write to us. We will see you in just THREE more days. Bumpa and I are looking forward to Saturday morning, so we can see all your new "Tricks" in person.

Love,Nana and Bumpa

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