
2 Posts In One Day? Can It Be Real? is It Too Much??? You Be The Judge!!!

Pearl has been, for the most part, been sleeping with Mommy and me since she was born. We started, a few weeks ago, to let her sleep in her room in our old queen size bed while we are still awake. When we go to bed we bring her in with us of course. We build a pillow fort around her so that she won't fall to the floor. That seemed to be working so we decided to try to start seeing if she would sleep all night in her room, because Mommy and me would like to have our bed back. Well, the pillow fort is no longer an effective means to keep her in har bed, and the bassinet is not sufficient either, she will just climb right out of that. We need a crib, found a perfectly good one at Ikea for $200, so that Pearl can spend all night in her OWN room. We are saving for the crib, which also turns into a toddler bed so we don't have to fork out another $200 6 months down the road when she is too big for the crib. We also need a new car seat for Pearl, I never realized how hard it was to make bigger purchases for a baby. I have included a new donation button over to the right, this goes into Kim's new paypal account and any funds coming from the blog will be labelled "Pearl's Crib" and will only be used for a crib and or car seat.

I made a new video today, the is a special treat in the last part. Something that pearl is doing now that no one but us knows about.

2 of you posted a comment...:

Betty Wolff said...

GO PEARL! I am soooo proud of you strong girl. And, oh, how the sound of your laughter and glee adds to everyone's day.

Nana said...

There can never be too many posts about our darling Miss Pearl. Look at you go are so excited about standing up...we all are just keep growing up
I miss yo9u my darling...

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