
Happy Nine Months Monkey!

Oh my little monkey, I can't believe it's been nine months since you emerged from my body. You were the most amazing little thing I've ever seen, and you continue to amaze me every day. Snuggling with you is heaven, playing with you makes me feel like a kid again, feeding you is always an adventure, loving you makes me the happiest Mommy in the world. I even love it when you bite my toes with your one tiny tooth! I never thought I would be this happy, you and your Daddy made all my dreams come true.

2 of you posted a comment...:

Betty Wolff said...

HAPPY HAPPY NINE MONTHS BIRTHDAY, little girlfriend Pearl! You are such an amazing little monster with the sharpest tooth in town. Oh, how I love to feed you and play with you, your hugs and snuggles are just grand. I'm so proud to be your Mimsy....will miss you over the next week, but I'll send you emails to keep in touch, OK? I LOVE PEARL, OH YES I DO!!!!

Bob Vance said...

There's a toof!

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