
Got It On Video!!!

It's a little dark in the room so you have to get close to see it, but here's the first video af Pearl walking more than 2 steps. She actually went back and forth between the chair and ottoman (about 5 feet) 3 times today.

3 of you posted a comment...:

Bob Vance said...

Once she gets it there'll be no stopping her! So put on your running shoes!

Nana said...

By george, I think she's got it! She sure does look proud of herself...thank you for this

Betty Wolff said...

There's that wonderful build-up of anticipation and then.....SHE DOES IT....HOORAY PEARLY! The topper is Kimmie's verbal reaction, that really gets me laughing every time I look at this clip.

blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey