
Walking, Standing, and Eating

Pearl has been getting more and more daring with her walking ability, she has now completed 4 steps before crashing to the floor. She will also stand up with no support for short periods of time. It's almost as if she does fine until she realizes that she is doing it by herself. I predict the walking to improve over the next week or so then we'll be chasing around a fully mobile little monster. Among the foods she has tried recently, cardboard has been added to her favorites. Yes, I said "cardboard", she loves to eat her books, and boxes, silly little monkey. Other favorites include: floor fluff, sheets of paper, and other things little toddlers should not be eating.

I would like to also point out a couple of changes to the blog, one being the template (I think it fits) and over there to the right of the screen is a section named "Folks Who Read About Pearl". Please, if you visit here often, let us know by signing up in this section (you can even sign up anonymously). There are advertisements on the blog now too; they could potentially earn us a little cash. They are mostly "pay per click" that means every time one of you clicks on the ad we get a percentage, some are just "impressions" and we get a percentage when they show up on this blog. They should be more relevant to the blog as soon as Google scans the blog, so sorry if there are some odd ads for the next few days. By all means click on the ads, it costs you nothing and could make us some green...thanx!

3 of you posted a comment...:

Nana said...

So when can we expect some video of those 3-4 steps...I know it's hard to catch, but doting grandparents are hoping


Nana said...

Hey y'all,
I tried to, in fact I thought I had, put my stuff on the follower's section, but it didn't come up---what am I doing wrong


Nana said...

Never mind!! Just need to be patient.

blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey