
January 01, 2009 (Happy New Year, hello 2009!!!)

I know I have let the blog go a little bit, you will have to forgive me I have been working quite a bit and have not had the time. The restaurant has been open now for 3 full nights, and I have worked 12 or more hours a day since Christmas. Last night was the true test of our crew, they did "ok" but there are definitely some issues to be dealt with. Everything was going great, running very smooth in the kitchen, that is until the hostesses sat over 60 people at once (and of course they ordered at the same time, fuck!). You can tell I was pissed, I don't swear too much on this blog (which is odd because I have a mouth like a sailor in RL).

We finally got the package from Nana and Bumpa yesterday morning before I left for work. We got them before 2009 at least, silly slow USPS, though I think it had a lot to do with the weather u north the past week or so. However, we did not open them until I got home from work because I had to leave shortly after they got here (and, Pearl was asleep anyway).

Here are some pictures, from all the gifts she received...

I only put a small selection on here, if there is a picture you think I might have taken, just ask for it and i will post it sometime...

1 of you posted a comment...:

Jenni said...

It's posts like these that have earned you this award over here:

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