
7 Days of Yuck! But what a strong Bean!

The Bean and I are finally home! After being released from the hospital on Wednesday after having my gall bladder removed, I ended up back in only a couple of hours later. I ended up having an ERCP done, my common bile duct was flushed, and I'm now gall bladder and gall stone free! Was released again on Friday, and I'm now home and resting, trying to get back to my old self.

What an emotional week! The only thing on my mind the whole time was the baby. Hearing over and over that you might lose your baby is a heart crushing thing.

We have a strong little one on our hands though. Bean made it through both a surgery and a very invasive procedure with flying colors. The OB/GYN ordered monitoring of the fetal heart rate both morning and night, it was SO comforting to hear it each and every time.

Monday we go for our genetic counseling and another ultrasound, and possibly an amnio. We should also hopefully find out if it's a Dexter or a Pearl in my belly.

I love this little one with all my heart and soul. I love Clay more than I can even attempt to express. My family is everything.

2 of you posted a comment...:

Anonymous said...

Welcome home beautiful woman! Of course the Bean is strong--it's genetics and Bean's parents are strong and compassionate; so it their love. So what else but a strong Bean.

Unknown said...

Welcome home! I'm glad to hear you and Bean are doing well. It's great to hear you've got such a tough little cookie on the way.

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