
Mommy's In The Hospital

At about 11pm last night Kim started complaining about pain in her stomach region, which we originally thought was just gas. After a pretty much sleepless night she went to work this morning. I drove her to work as I needed the car today to go do errands. An hour after I got home from dropping her off she called home to be picked up as her pain had gotten MUCH worse. Betty (Kim's Mom) jumped into the car and went to get Kim. Upon returning home, I was informed by Kim that she felt she needed to go to the Hospital. The pain was not centralized in her stomach region at this point. It started shooting around her sides and to her back. We arrived at the emergency room at Winter Park Memorial Hospital at about 12:30 in the afternoon. Triage went pretty smooth, they listened for the baby's heart beat with the doppler and took Kim's vitals. Betty got to hear her Grandchild's heart beat which was 1 of 3 nice things that happened today amongst lots of pain and headache. After the Triage we were waiting room bound, 30 minutes went by and we were called into the patient area. Talked with the Doctor, and he did some probing, and determined that it probably was a gall stone or a kidney stone, most likely the gall variety though. Next, he did a pelvic exam to make sure everything was alright "down there", which it was. After about 20 minutes we were transported over to the sonogram area for what seemed like forever. Pregnant women cannot have a CAT scan, so everything needed to be looked at with the ultrasound. They looked at Kim's kidneys, pancreas, bladder, stomach, and her gall bladder. They also looked at our baby, and took all kinds of measurements and pictures. This was the second nice thing today, as we got to see our baby again on the sonogram. The bean is a freaken gymnast; twisting, kicking, arching it's back, and flailing arms. The little one was not being very cooperative for the tech trying to take the measurements and pictures. WE SAW OUR BABY"S FACE!!! Apparently the tech was not supposed to show us anything, but she said that Kim had been going through so much pain that we deserved a little something. We were transported back to the ER with the hopes that Kim would receive some pain meds. We sat around in the ER for about a half an hour, me in a chair and Kim half naked in a wheelchair, waiting for her turn in the room with the drugs. Finally, at about 5:30 she was started on an IV and injected with precious morphine which was the third nice thing that happened today. At this point we were informed that the hospital was going to admit her, and transported to the observation care center. I took this opportunity to bring Betty in to see her daughter and then get home and pack up a few things for Kim. I returned to the hospital about 45 minutes later to find Kim talking with the surgeon and crying quite a bit. I found out quickly why there were tears, the gall bladder is going to have to be removed. This procedure while very routine and easy could cause Kim to lose the baby. The surgeon explained to us that he was not an expert in OBGYN but the second trimester is the most ideal time to have this type of procedure done. That is if you have to have it done while pregnant. The surgeon went to put a call into the OBGYN to find out exactly what the risks were, and came back to say that it was little risk. We don't know the percentage of risk yet, and will most likely find out in the morning. They transported us back to the observation care center to await Kim's room. At about 9pm we were taken upstairs to her bed while she is in the hospital. I stayed with Kim until about 10:30 and came home, called my Mom and cried, and called my Dad and cried some more. I got a call from Kim telling me that early tomorrow they are going to go in and cut slices off her gall bladder to get a better idea of what is going on in there. I am scared, more scared then I thought I was at first. My rational me knows that everything will be ok and that this is the best time to do this. If Kim was to try and wait until after the baby is born she runs the risk of the gall bladder rupturing, which would be very very bad.

Please send Kim, the bean and I lots of energy the next couple of days. Mostly Kim and the bean though, I will be fine after my crying, hehehe...

I don't know how long Kim will be in the hospital, most likely until Monday at the earliest. If you want to call her there or send her some flowers or a balloon, I am sure she would appreciate well wishes.

She is at:
Winter Park Memorial Hospital
200 N. Lakemont Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32792

Phone#: 407 646-70000 ext 3406 2

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Unknown said...

*e-hugs* to you both

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