
Past The Half Way Point, And Still Going..

About a week and a half ago Kim was saying that she wished she felt the baby move more often. Well, it looks like you really do get what you ask for sometimes. Here we are more than a week after the half way point and this kid is all over the place. Kim said that yesterday at one point she looked at her belly and said to the bean "enough already", he had been repeatedly poking her for some time. My favorite thing to do now is lay with my hand on Kim's belly and feel my baby kicking, I have been talking to it more as well. I warned him that mommy is weird and not to worry about her, she'll be ok. I think I should warn him about my family too, hahaha.

Kim quote of the day: "What is that breastfeeding class all about anyway?"

3 of you posted a comment...:

Kim said...

Oh you booger you...had to get my "duh" quote in there!

It's kind of nice having hands on my belly, I get attention through Bean!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you should definitely warn her/him about Nana and Bumpa Bob--after all we raised you and look what happened!!!

Clay said...

Oh, I turned out just fine...

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