

Went to get a new battery today, they made me take out of the car though and put the new one in. Last time we got a battery they did it, not this time though. The excuse the guy gave was that there were only 2 people working, I said there were only 2 customers in the store but he ignored me. Whatever we got a new battery, next we need an oil change, one more new tire, and get the brakes looked at I am sure they need to get new pads soon.

Pearl, just went down for bed, she's so tired but won't go to sleep. She's doing her heart wrenching crying right now, probably standing up in her crib. Poor little monkey, I hope she cries herself to sleep soon. If not we'll go in and get her, we get soft after a few minutes of this...

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Bob Vance said...

It would be hard not to go in and give her some comfort. I am pretty sure I don't like the idea of letting kids wail until they go to sleep... but still, is that just a way for them to manipulate, although that word is not an apt description of what the child must feel they are doing... getting needs met! You guys are probably doing a great job responding to her, and letting her work out her own way to solve her worry about being alone as much as she can. I wonder what kind of comfort toys, sounds etc can be put in the room with her to help this along?

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