

Had a great day today, gotta love the kitchen I get to work in. It's so bright and shiny and all of it new. They skimped on some of the smallwares and storage items, but I am sure once we get going and we the kitchen leaders as a unified front will tell them that we need stuff (and they will have to give in). Have a busy couple of weeks coming up, I don't know how ready I am for the amount of work to be done, but it will be fun and won't seem that much once we get through some of it. Also, since Pearl joined us work really hasn't seemed like WORK, it seems like it's all worth it now.

Got home today and there was a card in the mail from great granddad Vance with a couple of Sears gift card in it. We proceeded to go to Sears and got Pearl 1 outfit, 1 pair of PJ's (with feet), and 2 toys, and some other stuff. It was a $75 card for Kim and I and a $25 card for Pearl, obviously we spent most of our
card on her (she deserves it). It was almost as if we were able to buy 2 presents for her, it being a little (understatement) tight for money right now. I guess we could have wrapped them and given them to her on Thursday, but she was at the store with us so she already saw them and everything. Really though, what good is a toy in a box wrapped in paper rather than being played with, I ask you...


4 of you posted a comment...:

Nana said...

Our granddaughter is oh so beautiful and smart and cute and lucky!! Glad you like the new kitchen!!

Amanda said...

It sounds like the new job is going well - that's great!

Melissa said...

Too cute! Liam got a few things before Christmas, only because he had saw them at the store. Like his wonderpets dvd... oh my, it's on repeat right now... and my brain continues to mush...

Nana said...

This came to me, don't know why, but thought I'd share it with everyone who reads this blog. I think you all do this already; I just wanted to confirm that it's the way to go!!!

I find it difficult listening to parents who berate, belittle and disregard their children and then demand respect from them.

As a parent, you certainly do deserve to be respected and your children need to learn to respect other adults as well. But you must give respect to get it.

Introduce them to your friends in public, ask their opinion on decisions the family is making and let their ideas be truly considered and sometimes followed.

Talk to them as you would an equal, not a servant. This starts early in life. Every 5 year old wants to feel valued by a parent. They want parents to talk to them with respect.

If they see it, they will do it. If they hear it, they will say it. If they get it, they will give it.

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