

Happy Christmas to my readers, or happy whatever holiday that you celebrate in your homes. We are waiting until tomorrow when the presents from Nana and Bumpa get here to open them all, they were delayed due to all the snow up north. It was a lazy day at the Bowman residence today, laying around and some nap taking, no football though as we're not really into that. I guess football is more of a turkey day thing, see that's how much we know about football related things (not much at all).

I made dinner tonight and in fact eating it right now as I post this entry. I made bacon wrapped pork loin stuffed with boudin, garlic whipped red potatoes, and green beans. It's very good, but anything with bacon is good in my opinion, plus Clay don't make crap food, LOL...

                                  Fresh out of the oven:

                                  First cut to see my handiwork:
                                   Plated (without the beans):

8 of you posted a comment...:

Betty Wolff said...

Such a beautiful dinner, Chef Clay.....presentation sure means a great deal, but taste is the winner by far. Thanks for all the new and wonderful tastes, and HAPPY BOXING DAY, EH! You just can't take the Canuck out of the girl. Sweet dreams Miss Pearl xoxoxoxoxoxo

Bob Vance said...

Oh m'god! That looks so good!

Nana said...

Well let's hope the package gets there...

Melissa said...

That looks fantastic! I have to ask though (feels silly)--what is boudin? Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas!

Clay said...

Boudin is basically a dirty rice sausage. It's rice, pork, and pork liver in a natural casing...

Nana said...

Unfortunately, the xmas box didn't arrive, did it? Let's hope it gets there today.

Amanda said...

The pictures are making me very, very hungry.

Alenchik Litvinenko said...

It is so wonderful when the man cooks in the family. Looks lovely, i keep waiting for my husband to cook sometime! :)

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