

Yesterday when we went to Sears, in addition to all the stuff for Pearl, we got Christmas lights for the house. It's been a long time since I have done any kind of decorating for the holliday. The lights I found are little blue LED lights, they use 70% less energy than regular lights and last a lot longer. I guess you can run a string of them for 10 hours a day for 30 days and it's less than a dollar. I didn't get them because of that, I would have gotten regular blue ones of they were there.

The real reason why I wanted to do lights this year is a simple one, I did it because it makes having a family more real to me somehow. I have always thought that decorating for Christmas was a thing that families do for their kids. Decorated trees are a place to put the kids toys, and waiting for Santa is definetly for the children. I was single (or close to it) for my 20's and part of my 30's too. I had no occasion to put up decorations, and I opened any presents I received when I got them. Now I have a Wife and a wonderful little daughter, and things just seem more like christmas again. So the lights on the house are for Pearl in a way, but mostly they are for my Family... Happy Christmas Pearl and Kim, I love you both with all my heart, thank you for being my family and giving me a reason to want to decorate for the holliday...


3 of you posted a comment...:

Nana said...

Looking good..Bob says you should get a blow up Santa and some deer...seriously, you do know you made me a little teary you sentimental guy, you


Betty Wolff said...

What a wonderful surprise to come home to dear Clay. Thank you for making the house so beautiful and festive.....sure turned me into a blubbering elf :o)

Melissa said...

I love the LED's--so pretty! Having a family definitely changes a person's perspective on Christmas, and any other holiday for that matter. Enjoy the holiday! Hope Santa is good to Miss Pearl. xx

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