

We decided today that we needed to get Pearl a pair of shoes to play at the park, and to ride her new bike outside. Also, we think if she has on some shoes she will start walking flat on her feet rather than on her tip toes. Aunt Bobbie had bought her a pair of converse for her birthday, but the need came sooner than we thought and her feet don't quite fit in them too well. She will grow into them, of course, but she needed a pair that fit now. We hit target to look for shoes, Kim and I found a pair each that we liked, and we went with the ones Kim found. The shoes were only $9.99, not bad at all...
After Target we to the park again, as Pearl really seemed to like it yesterday. To tell a secret, I think Kim and I liked it just as much if not more than Pearl. There were quite a lot more children playing there today, most seemed that they were very well behaved youngsters (except one little shit). The first little girl Pearl met was a youg lady that was one day younger, she was a bit chunkier than Pearl so she sort of over powered Pearl. She met a very rude little boy that was a little odd too, he wouldn't let any of the younger kids play with bouncy balls that weren't even his, I think that's why kids over 5 aren't supposed to be in that section. I didn't like him very much, uncool little shit. I am glad Pearl is so cool and gentle with the other children that she comes in contact with. 
One of the cool things about going to the park with Pearl is that Kim and I are becoming more social as well. This is a good thing, we need friends, expecially friends that have children that are the same age or close to the same age as Pearl. Today we met a family Wes, Liz, and their son Ethan, it was very easy talking with them and I certainly hope that we run into them again. I don't see that being too much of a hard thing to do, they go to that park often, and I suspect that we will be too.             

3 of you posted a comment...:

Kimberly said...

It's so much fun to watch our little girl grow up! She is such a happy, content, and goofy little woman. If I can toot our own horn, we are raising our daughter wonderfully. Think of all the adventures we have ahead of us!

Bob Vance said...

This is great! I can't wait to get there and play outside wil you all... you guys have been working so hard at having and raising Pearl it's nice that you see the potential for making friends while you are showing her the world

Nana said...

It is so much fun watching you all have fun together!! Isn't it a hoot watching her play with other little ones? By the way, don't forget aabout the red shoes Aunt Mary got her for Christmas last year; they are really good ones for her feet. xoxoxox

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