

Went to the park again today, didn't stay for too long. Pearl didn't seem to be as into it as she was the past 2 days, may be she was tired. Pearl really is a smart little girl, yesterday I tought her "slip me some skin" and she did it. This evening I asked for a kiss and she stuck her lips out towards me for a kiss, then Kim asked for one and she did it again.

I start my new job tomorrow at a new restaurant called Luma, I have been looking forward to it. It was supposed to be 2 weeks ago, but construction problems postponed everything. The restaurant is only 10 minutes away by car which is very nice, less gas to get there and with the $2.25 a gallon gas is now it's going to be quite the money saver. If I get my bike down here I could even ride it to work it's so close.

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