

Pearl has been doing a lot of walking, she is at the point where she is simply walking around in circles. She was carrying a spatula and a tupperware banging them together walking in a circle, a parade of sorts I guess. I tickled her a lot today, because her laugh is so wonderfully cute, I just can't help it. Cartoons are getting attention from Pearl, she dances and claps, and does this girating thing that I really can't explain. She really is pretty amazing...

3 of you posted a comment...:

Nana said...

Just realized that last year on this day, we were all excited cause Miss Pearl was a month old!!Now is is 13 months old and we are almost oblivious. Isn't it wonderful what familiarity does for us......

Clay said...

Actually it's 14 months...

Nana said...

Well shit, see how it slips by!!! I think I just had a grey moment, but I am not too worried cause it's my first (grey moment that it)--you are right oh wise one

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